Features on Deadfall Adventures [Online Game Code]
- Action-Adventure gameplay from a first-person perspective
- Set in the Quatermain-universe, created by H. R. Haggard
- Fast-paced action and intense, accurate FPS gun battles
- Adventurer equipment: compass, treasure maps, notebook and flashlight ? necessaryto solve ancient puzzles, find treasures and even to defeat certain types of enemies
- Puzzles that encourage you to explore the game environment and interact with it
Description for Deadfall Adventures [Online Game Code]
About the game Deadfall Adventures is an action-driven first-person shooter, spiced up with elements from action-adventure games. Become an adventurer, hunt for treasures, explore unknown regions of the world and rescue the damsel in distress from the clutches of enemies, both earthly and not-so-earthly. Join James Lee Quatermain on his journey across the globe!
The Story The year is 1938. James Lee Quatermain is a man of many talents, yet holding on to money isn't one of them. James is an adventurer by trade, just like his legendary great-grandfather Allan Quatermain. And he knows how to squeeze money out of this famous name of his, while at the same time despising it. Despising those who believe his great-grandfather's tales of the sup